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Motherboard de 7ma gen. B250M DS3H - $85

  • 5 diciembre, 12:19 PM
  • Motherboards

⭐56043032⭐WhatsApp por el 52724487⭐ NUEVA en su caja con 30 días de garantía, se brinda servicio de mensajería, si desea algún otro producto en cuanto a PC y periféricos se refiere, puede contactarme que le brindaré un buen servicio. Características principales: -4 Bancos de RAM -6 USB 3.0 (4 en la parte trasera y 2 para panel frontal) -6 USB 2.0 (2 en la parte trasera y 4 para panel frontal) -Soporte para SSD M.2 -6 SATA 3 a 6Gb/s Gandalf sat at the head of the party with the thirteen, dwarves all round: and Bilbo sat on a stool at the fireside, nibbling at a biscuit (his appetite was quite taken away), and trying to look as if this was all perfectly ordinary and. not in the least an adventure. The dwarves ate and ate, and talked and talked, and time got on. At last they pushed their chairs back, and Bilbo made a move to collect the plates and glasses.

  • Precio: $85